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Crochet Flowers Headband



Dear freinds I am super excited to share the Hair Bands I’ve made with crochet flowers and hope everybody likes them. I really want to thank my fellow crafters for their awesome suggestions and ideas about what accessories & items should I make with my crochet flowers?

I would love to have your comments/feedback and if you happen to like the hair bands then please show your love by liking my facebook page.
Feel free to check all the hairbands on my Etsy shop too.
Have a wonderful week and happy crafting!










Knitting in 2013 – New beginning!

I’m in the “knit all the time” mind frame these days . I have knitted a bunch of flowers, please check out the pictures. However I’m kind of stuck and need some help. What can I do with these knitted flowers? What kind of things can I make with these flowers. The one thing that comes to mind is headbands, but I need more ideas friends.

Any and all suggestions are welcome. Please help!

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