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One moment in time!

Who doesn’t know this song “One moment in time…” and who doesn’t know the singer? Whitney Houston, the greatest voice of our time, sang this and many other memorable songs which are carved in history and in the memory of millions like myself.  I wrote the above with spray paint outside of my home on the snow. This is my tribute to her.


Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Crafting!


I created a series of Micro DIY projects specially for Valentine’s day. You can check them all here –

Stir & Wrap
Cozy Times!
Sweep with Love
Valentine Candle
Sweet Love
Love Necklace 

Valentine Heart
Celebrate Love

Snow Flake Frame

Snow Flake Photo Frame to celebrate winters – DIY


I like photo frames specially those that are decorated & crafted with a personal touch. Since it’s winter season and though it hasn’t snowed as much this year in the US mid-west so far (I’m not complaining :-)) but without snow winter can’t be fun.


In this DIY I have converted an old photo frame by adding snow flakes around it. This is a very quick and simple technique and you can add anything not just snow flakes.



All we need is a fabric with snow flake print, glue, any old photo frame (of any size)  and of course scissors.



All you need to do is use the fabric to cut out snow flakes shapes from it.



Now you just have to glue the snow flakes around you frame neatly.



That’s it .. you Snow Flake decorated & hand crafted frame with a picture of your loved one is ready within 5 mins.


As always I’m eager to hear from you, about your projects and craft work. It would be great if you leave comments using the form below. Wish you all a happy winter with some snow not a whole lot!!

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