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Celebrate Love!

Micro DIY #9

Valentine’s day  2012  – The celebration of love!


In this last and ninth Micro DIY I have combined 2 of my other micro DIY’s. This DIY can make your day special with very simple and quick steps. Just tie a ribbon bow around the wine glass and a stirrer with a message foam sticker.




Hope you enjoyed these simple, quick and fun Micro DIY (Do it Yourself) projects on Valentine’s day. In total I created nine such project. You can check them all out here –

Stir & Wrap
Cozy Times!
Sweep with Love
Valentine Candle
Sweet Love
Love Necklace 

Valentine Heart

Comments/Suggestions are very much welcome.


Happy Valentine’s day and Happy Crafting!!


Snow Flake Frame

Snow Flake Photo Frame to celebrate winters – DIY


I like photo frames specially those that are decorated & crafted with a personal touch. Since it’s winter season and though it hasn’t snowed as much this year in the US mid-west so far (I’m not complaining :-)) but without snow winter can’t be fun.


In this DIY I have converted an old photo frame by adding snow flakes around it. This is a very quick and simple technique and you can add anything not just snow flakes.



All we need is a fabric with snow flake print, glue, any old photo frame (of any size)  and of course scissors.



All you need to do is use the fabric to cut out snow flakes shapes from it.



Now you just have to glue the snow flakes around you frame neatly.



That’s it .. you Snow Flake decorated & hand crafted frame with a picture of your loved one is ready within 5 mins.


As always I’m eager to hear from you, about your projects and craft work. It would be great if you leave comments using the form below. Wish you all a happy winter with some snow not a whole lot!!

Xmas Ornament II

Last minute Christmas Ornaments (DIY) – Part-II

Here I’m as promised in my last post posting few more fun, easy DIY for you to get some more last minute Christmas ornaments on the tree.


Step 1: First choose your Christmas ornament design.

  • Check my earlier post to find out how to choose your design or where to find one.
Step 2: List of items you would need for this DIY

Step1: Material List


  • Artificial Leather or Vinyl. (You can buy this from your local favorite craft store or from stores like Joann. This is one example of what I used.
  • You would also need Satin Ribbon
  • Super Glue (I use this)
  • Fabric markers or Fabric paints  (I used this)
  • Pencil
  • Flat paint brush
  •  Punch cutter (you can use this)


Step 3: Take white color Vinyl and draw your ornament design on it with fabric marker as show below in  2 or 3. Cut your design shape with scissor as in 4.

Step 3: How to draw and cut the design on Vinyl


Step 4:  The ornament is cut in the share of Christmas tree and is almost ready now, see 1 below).

Punch a whole at the top of the Christmas tree with punch cutter (2).

Use any fabric color to paint the ornament. Obviously since this is a Christmas tree I have painted it with green color (3, 4).

Step 4: Cut and Paint your Christmas ornament


Step 5:  Decorating the Christmas ornament is the most fun step of the DIY. Look in your craft box for any  sticker, beads,or scrap book stuff (1).

Stick these stickers/beads 0n your ornament with the help of super glue (2).

Finish all decorations (3).

Take 6′ of satin ribbon and tie it on top of the ornament through the whole which we made in Step 4.2.

Step 5: Decorating the Christmas Tree


Voila.. you Christmas ornament is ready to be hung on the tree. Go ahead and do that and share some pictures.

Step 6: Finished Christmas Ornament


Merry Christmas!

Gift Tags

Thank You Gift Tags & Necklace


Hello dear friends I have a fun DIY to share. Holidays are all about celebrating life and thanking the people that matter in your life. There are different ways to express thanks, thank you notes, tags and thank you necklace is just one of them.

In this DIY (Do It Yourself) project I’m going to show how to create a beautiful flower tag with any message that your heart desire.



Step1) Material List for DIY thank you tag

  1. Artificial Leather or Vinyl.
  2. Satin ribbon
  3. Rotary cutter or Scissors
  4. Super Glue
  5. Compass
  6. Yarn Needle
  7. Fabric markers or Fabric paints
  8. Design print
  9. Pencil
  10. Pellon Iron on backing
  11. Fabric print & design of your choice
  12. Double zero Paint brush
  13. “Thank You” Block or Stamp

Step2) Take your designer fabric strip, make sure the size is 4″ x 18″ 


Step3) Cut fabric strip straight with the rotary cutter.


Step4) Take needle and yarn for the running stitch [for me this was a difficult step because I couldn’t decide which yarn to use, which is obvious since my yarn box is a mess, I’m sure your’s is not :-)]


Step5) Connect corners of the fabric strip together with running stitch to make circle . Fold the strip and run stitches for gathers.


Step6) Pull thread from both the corners to pull gather in the middle and now you can see the flower shape. Tighten the knot then cut the extra thread. 


Step7) Use Iron to press down the flower this will help to give flower a better shape .


Step8a) Now we will need a piece of sponge foam. Spread some fabric color of your choice smoothly on the foam. Tap on the color few times to smoothen the colored surface.


Step8b) Tap the “thank you” block/stamp on the sponge few times. Make sure your stamp is evenly dabbed in color.

Step9) Don’t forget to put your fabric or vinyl on hard surface before stamping

Step10) #1 Draw a circle around your “thank you” stamp, with the help of compass.

Step10) #2 Use super glue and stick the cut out in the centre of your flower.



 Step11) Tuck satin ribbon to the back side of the flower .

Step12) Show that you care and add personal touch to any gift with this “Thank You” tag. I used mine on a wine bottle as a gift.


I also used this flower gift tag with a necklace as shown below.


You can tuck the necklace to the flower tag with thread, needle and Jump ring.

A “thank you”  tag is a fun and loving way to show your love, support, encouragement or gratitude for anybody whom is important in your life. So don’t wait, go ahead and create some fun tags.

Did you like this DIY? If you did please put few words or leave a comment. Even if you didn’t like this project, that’s cool too, still leave some suggestions.

Happy Holidays!

Bunting and Banners

There are many things in life that are symbols of fun, frolic, holiday, festivities and community. Bunting, Flags & Banners fall in that category of things only and that’s why I love them. This is not new for me. While growing up in India bunting and banners made me happy because I knew that somewhere around the corner there must be some festivities going on.

In Hindi language there is a specific word “Jhandi” which simply means textile bunting. I’m so in love with the colors, designs, patterns and styes that can be used to make the “Jhandi” that this year I’m going to create a lot of them. For different seasons, occasions, events and even some to express certain emotions. Yes I’m going to do it. I’ve some of them almost ready and they will be up on the website very very soon.

Friends get ready for some awesome “Jhandi” (textile bunting) that will be available for sale. I would love to know if there are any specific styles or themes of bunting you would like to see and I would be more than happy to create them just for you.

This summer bunting is my love and I mean both the textile bunting and the beautiful bird.

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