The Hello Bar is a simple web toolbar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

One moment in time!

Who doesn’t know this song “One moment in time…” and who doesn’t know the singer? Whitney Houston, the greatest voice of our time, sang this and many other memorable songs which are carved in history and in the memory of millions like myself.  I wrote the above with spray paint outside of my home on the snow. This is my tribute to her.


Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Crafting!


I created a series of Micro DIY projects specially for Valentine’s day. You can check them all here –

Stir & Wrap
Cozy Times!
Sweep with Love
Valentine Candle
Sweet Love
Love Necklace 

Valentine Heart
Celebrate Love

Celebrate Love!

Micro DIY #9

Valentine’s day  2012  – The celebration of love!


In this last and ninth Micro DIY I have combined 2 of my other micro DIY’s. This DIY can make your day special with very simple and quick steps. Just tie a ribbon bow around the wine glass and a stirrer with a message foam sticker.




Hope you enjoyed these simple, quick and fun Micro DIY (Do it Yourself) projects on Valentine’s day. In total I created nine such project. You can check them all out here –

Stir & Wrap
Cozy Times!
Sweep with Love
Valentine Candle
Sweet Love
Love Necklace 

Valentine Heart

Comments/Suggestions are very much welcome.


Happy Valentine’s day and Happy Crafting!!


Valentine Heart

Micro DIY #8

Valentine’s Day Ribbon Heart. 


A ribbon heart can be made in just two steps and under two minutes.



Step1: Simple knot


Step2: Fold it down



When ready you can either use fabric glue or stitch to keep the heart shape.


Happy Valentine’s Day!


This is the 2nd last and #7 Micro DIY in the series that I created for Valentine’s day. Some of my earlier posts in this series are –
Stir & Wrap
Cozy Times!
Sweep with Love
Valentine Candle
Sweet Love
Love Necklace 


Valentine Candle

Micro DIY #5

Your love is like a candle that warms my heart!

This is my 5th Micro DIY in the Valentine series of 9. You can check the previous four here, here, here and here.

There is nothing more beautiful and romantic than a candle to express ones love. With this thought in mind I have created this simple DIY that can be done in under 10 mins and won’t cost you anything.

You can use any solid colored, thick candle that might be sitting somewhere in your garage, basement or closet. I used a white color candle that I bought many years ago and was sitting in my laundry room (not sure why it was in there).

With a bit of creativity you can convert this candle into a wonderful Valentine’s day decor. This is how the decorated & painted candle will look like finally.




You can paint heart shapes on the candle with brush and fabric paint.



You can paint heart shapes on the candle with fabric or any marker.



You can also use glitter paint to decorate the candle.



Happy Crafting!


Update as of Feb 21st 2012: I have submitted this post to “Topsy Turvy Tuesdays” run by beautiful Ashlee of I’m Topsy Turvy.

Update as of Feb 20th 2012: I have submitted this post to “American Crafters Audition #4” an awesome blog run by Amy of Nap Time Crafters.


Micro DIY #3

Continuing with my Micro DIY series in which I have created nine small, fun project specially for Valentine’s day. Check out my last two blog posts – “Cozy Love” and “Stir & Love“.


The most beautiful and at the same time most complex emotion in the universe is  “Love”. There are so many shades and expressions of love that it is hard to list them. It can  be expressed just with a glance or  a simple gift that costs less than a dollar and sometime with the most magnificent building in the world “Taj Mahal“.


So go ahead and express it in your own unique way, whatever that might be to the one whom you love.






The source of inspiration for this DIY series is the wonderful post “Yarn Love by Camilla Fabrri on her blog Family Chic“.

Happy Crafting!


Life is Beautiful – Valentine’s Day!


Window Treatment on Valentine's Day

What is love?

So many authors have written thousands of word about it, so many unsuccessful attempts have been made to define it but still this most wonderful feeling in life eludes us from defining it. May be the mystery of love is what makes it so interesting. May be it isn’t supposed to be defined!

It’s strange that water, oxygen, food, shelter, money are not just enough in life. Everybody needs and wants to share love.

A combination of twenty-six alphabets are not enough to define the feeling which only a heart can feel. Valentine’s Day is meant to share, spread, show and celebrate love.

This year I want to share this love with the world by saying “Life is Beautiful”, it’s the most wonderful story in the universe. There can’t be anything more touching than a man’s true love story. A story without love is not worth telling! The artwork below sums of this feeling better than anything I have ever seen.


This artwork is from the creative genius and cartoonist Hugh McLeod.

[Read more…]

Christmas Cookies

Gingerbread Cookie Galore on Christmas

It’s the time of the year when baking gingerbread cookies, drinking egg nog, non-stop shopping, watching Christmas movies with family & friends and a lot more doesn’t seem enough to hold you over until the big day.


I don’t know about you but this year I’m on an insane loop of baking and decorating cookies (and eating them too :-)). In my dreams I see myself as a baker of exotic, out of this world gingerbread cookies. Though it’s just a dream but still very fulfilling and it is so beautiful that I don’t want to make it a reality. Not sure if that makes sense but that is what it is.

Gingerbread Cookie (Credit: normanack's photostream -

Here are some of my favorite blogs that fuel my dream.

1) What is more adorable than a bunch of gingerbread men, especially those cute ones that are missing few appendages :-)? Ashleigh of “Bee in our Bonnet” blog has a wonderful post about how to make some of these “ABC Gingerbread Men“. You must check them out if you dream to be a baker or even if you really want to bake some.

ABC Gingerbread Men by Bee in our bonnet


2) How about decorating some cookies like a real crafter, using a cookie making kit? Wow that sounds like something I can do. Ashleigh at “Bee in our Bonnet” is a pro in this and has created a kit for people like us. It’s incredible you have to try it. Now I can also claim that I made gingerbread house cookie by hand (may be with a little help.. shhhhh… don’t tell that to anybody).

Gingerbread House by Bee in our Bonnet (guest blog on Eighteen25Blog)


3) The Sugarbelle (Callye) at “The sweet adventure of Sugarbelle” blog is one of the top divas of cookie decoration. Her work is inspiring in so many ways, far and beyond cookies. Beware she is out for some serious Worldwide Cookie Domination and she just might!

Her “Rustic Poinsettia Cookies” are out of this world.


Keep baking, decorating, sharing and enjoying your gingerbread cookies!!!


Merry Christmas!

Love is in the air!

Valentine’s day is not too far and love is in the air. This time of the year always brings mixed feelings. It is cold, too cold in most parts of the world, but there there is this ‘day of love and romance’ lurking around the corner. It kindles the feeling of love, nostalgia and romance. For most it reminds them when they were in love but for few lucky ones it is the time to rejoice and feel the warmth and security of the love they still have.

Happy Loving!

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